How to Post on Instagram from your PC, Desktop or Laptop

Want more flexibility to post on Instagram from your laptop👩‍💻, desktop 🖥 or PC without using your mobile app? Keep reading to find out how.

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Alexandra Ceambur
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  1. How to post on Instagram from your PC, Desktop or Laptop 🖥
Girl holding a laptop with the text How to post from your desktop.

Want more flexibility to post on Instagram from your laptop👩‍💻, desktop 🖥 or PC without using your mobile app? Then, you’ll be glad to know there is a simple and fast way to do it - even as a beginner 😉 !

How to post on Instagram from your PC, Desktop or Laptop 🖥

There are a few software apps that allow you to create and share posts straight from your PC. The one I suggest you try is the official content management platform by Facebook - Creator Studio. It’s a completely free and fast way to optimize your Instagram posting from your PC.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to post from your PC, Desktop or Laptop 🖥 using Facebook Creator Studio

Screenshot of Facebook creator studio Posts section
  1. Log into your Facebook Creator Dashboard. Note: In order to post from your desktop, you need a business page that is linked to an Instagram Profile for Business. Follow ➡️ this guide to change to a Business Profile.
  2. From your Facebook Dashboard top menu, click on the Instagram icon to switch to your Instagram page
  3. A list of all your Instagram posts and their Instagram statistics 📈will appear
  4. Tap on “Create Post”
  5. Two options will appear: Feed post and IGTV. Select Feed post to share a single image, video or carousel post (up to 10 images or videos in a row) and IGTV for videos longer than 2 minutes.
  6. Tap on the “+” button to upload your visuals
  7. Write your caption 💬 in the text field, along with up to 30 hashtags #️⃣
  8. Once you’ve reviewed your post, click “Publish” at the bottom. You can also choose to have your post go live 📆 at a future date and cross-post to your Facebook page.

And you’re done! 👏 You can now post on Instagram from your PC, desktop or laptop!

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