The Best Time To Post On Facebook [2024]

Discover the best time to post on Facebook in 2024, plus when to post by day of the week for more likes and engagement.

Profile picture of @Alexandra Ceambur
Alexandra Ceambur
On This Page
  1. Is there a best time to post on Facebook?
  2. Best time to post on Facebook in 2024
  3. Best time to post on Facebook on Monday
  4. Best time to post on Facebook on Tuesday
  5. Best time to post on Facebook on Wednesday
  6. Best time to post on Facebook on Thursday
  7. Best time to post on Facebook on Friday
  8. Best time to post on Facebook on Saturday
  9. Best time to post on Facebook on Sunday
  10. What is the best day of the week to post on on Facebook?
  11. How to find the best time to post on Facebook
  12. Find your best times to post on Facebook with Pallyy Analytics
  13. Here's how to find your best time to post on Facebook:

Wondering when is the best time to post on Facebook in 2024? You're not alone! Knowing when to post can help you reach more people and get more likes, comments, and shares.

Of course, you can spend time studying your followers' active times, but how do you decide on a posting time when you're trying to reach a global audience?

In this article we'll look at whether there is a global 'best time to post', we'll also take a look at a study that analyzed 1 million Facebook posts, and show you how to find the best times to post for your audience using Meta and Pallyy Analytics.

Best time to post on Facebook for engagement

Is there a best time to post on Facebook?

Let's be real — the best time to post on Facebook will vary from one account to another. Even for accounts in the same industry, it's varied based on your audience's size and global distribution, as well as your followers' behaviour.

So, can we really find a "best time to post on Facebook" that applies to all accounts? That would be the dream! Instead, we can examine data from Facebook accounts and look for links between posting times and high engagement rates.

Luckily, the findings sound promising!

Best time to post on Facebook in 2024

A recent survey of 1 million Facebook posts by Buffer revealed that:

  • The best time to post on Facebook is 10 am on Friday.
  • 8 am - 10 am is the best time to post for engagement.
  • The best days to post on Facebook are Friday, Monday and Tuesday.
  • The lowest engagement days are Saturday and Sunday
Best time to post on Facebook in 2024 chart

Source: Buffer

Best time to post on Facebook on Monday

The best time to post on Facebook on Monday is between 8am and 11am.

Posting at the start of the week, in the morning is a good time to reach more people on Facebook.

Best time to post on Facebook on Tuesday

The best time to post on Facebook on Tuesday is 9am.

Good times for engagement on Tuesdays are in the morning from 8am-12pm.

Best time to post on Facebook on Wednesday

The best time to post on Facebook on Wednesday is between 9am and 12pm.

Engagement on Wednesday is slower compared to Monday and Tuesday.

Best time to post on Facebook on Thursday

The best times to post on Facebook on Thursday are 10am and 11am.

Similar to Wednesday, Thursday is an average day for engagement on Facebook.

Best time to post on Facebook on Friday

10 am on Friday is the best time to post on Facebook.

Schedule your posts anytime from 10am - 5pm Friday for best results.

Best time to post on Facebook on Saturday

Saturday is the worst day of the week for engagement on Facebook. If you'd still like to post on Saturdays, choose a morning time slot between 8 am and 11am.

The best time to post on Facebook on Saturday is 9 am.

Best time to post on Facebook on Sunday

Sunday is another day of low engagement on Facebook, with engagement peaking from 9am to 11am.

The best time to post on Facebook on Sunday is 9am.

What is the best day of the week to post on on Facebook?

The best day to post on Facebook is Friday.

Popular time slots for engagement on Friday are between 8am - 5pm.

You can schedule posts throughout the day to take advantage of these high engagement rates.

How to find the best time to post on Facebook

Ultimately, the best way to find the best time to post for your unique account and audience is to analyze your Facebook insights.

Find your followers' Active times in Meta Business Suite

You can use Meta Business Suite to find your followers' most active times.

1. In Meta Business Suite, go to the Content tab

2. Create a new post

3. Click on "Set a posting time" to see recommendations based on your followers Active times

Note: Active times are based on your Facebook followers' active times in the past seven days. You will need a Facebook Business profile linked to a Facebook Page to access analytics.

Active times on Facebook

Save your best time to post on Facebook as default

Pallyy allows you to schedule and analyze posts across different social platforms such as Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook.

  1. Once logged in to Pallyy, go to your Scheduling calendar
  2. Click Settings. Here you can save your best times to post on Facebook as your default time.
  3. Now every new post you create will be inserted in this default time slot. This way you don't have to worry about logging in every day to post.
Set a default best time to post in Pallyy

Find your best times to post on Facebook with Pallyy Analytics

Another way you can find the best time to post on Facebook is by tracking your Facebook posts performance with Pallyy Analytics.

1. Go to the Analytics tab in Pallyy (shown on the left side)

2. Click on Facebook

3. Tap on Posts. Here you will see a chart with your Facebook posts, listed in the order of posting

4. Switch the ranking factor from "Timestamp" to "Engaged Users"

5. Look at the posting times and dates shown under each post. This can help you find the times your Facebook audience is engaging with your posts

Pallyy Facebook posts analytics

your-best-time-to-post-on-facebook:>Here's how to find your best time to post on Facebook:

  1. Know your audience's timezone (location) and peak activity times (morning, afternoon, evening)
  2. Experiment with posting at different times of the day and track your Facebook insights to find the time slots with the most engagement
  3. Use Pallyy's Facebook analytics feature to rank your best posts by engagement, likes and comments

By following these simple steps, you can make sure your posts get seen by more people and achieve even more engagement in 2024.

If you liked this post, check out our articles below to learn the best posting times for other social media platforms.

Related articles:

  1. Best time to post on Instagram
  2. Best time to post on TikTok
  3. The best time to post on LinkedIn
  4. Facebook Post Sizes, Dimensions & Specs

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